Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reasons Why Dogs are Better Than Cats

Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods
Christopher Hitchens
Okay firstly, pets r-u-l-e. Not dogs. Not cats. Or hamsters. Or parakeets. Or even angelfish. Pets are the best thing to have happened to humans, and there's no debating that. The bond we share with our pets surpasses that of any human relationship―only those who have surrendered themselves to the genteel love of their pet can understand what I'm saying here

But last night, having watched Cats & Dogs for the umpteenth time, I just thought of making a textual version of that insanely stupid but hilarious movie, where the dogs are pitted against the cats in a show of superiority

So dogs get a go at it first, because, well, dogs RULE. And here's why

We don't judge―we only love

While they're constantly keeping an eye on you, dogs never give you the metaphorical thumbs-down with their behavior. To them, you're the one and only, the center of their universe until ... hey is that bacon I smell
Cats are the supreme champions of the resting bitchface, and make you feel as if they're constantly judging you (they so are). Whereas dogs ... well they're just too content handling their butt-sniffing business

Three words: Man's Best Friend 'Nuff said
Those quiet, adoring eyes. Those happy little tail wags. The steely companionship. That dogs are great stress-busters is now scientifically proven. But regardless of that, dogs manage to bring about a sense of happiness wherever they go, and their unbridled enthusiasm can lift the dullest of spirits

We revel in the fabulousness that is Mother Nature
A hike in the mountains
Woof, woof

A day at the beach
Tail-can't-stop-waggin' woof, woof

Playing fetch at the park
Stop-asking-me-and-take-me-out woof, woof

Even humans can learn a thing or two from dogs when it comes to nature worship. Cats aren't even in the picture. Unless when you say 'nature', you actually mean catnip

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