Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to Stop Dogs from Fighting

Bar fights, game fights, street fights, all such physical forms of aggression involve humans. What do you do in a dog fight, i.e. a fight between two dogs? Scroll below to learn how to stop and separate two dogs in a dog fight, without getting injured yourself.

Picture the following scene: you are walking your dog on a leash in your local park. It is a nice sunny day, other people, children and animals are around. You are just turning around to head home, when out of nowhere, another dog comes out and starts snarling and growling at your pet. Your pet can either snarl back and raise its hackles or stand down and tug on the leash to get away.
 Either way, the canine opponent isn't willing to back down and suddenly lunges at your pet. Soon both dogs are engaged in a no-holds-barred contest of teeth, jaws and paws, each trying to bite the other to death. And what are you doing? You can't call the police for two dogs fighting. Interfere in such a fight and you will walk away with the most scars and injuries. The other dog's owner stands by, equally helpless.
 Any animal attack is frightening but when your beloved pet's life hangs in the balance, you want to save it but the question is how? Such aggressive dog behavior can also be a result of your pooch challenging another dog. In case of a canine fight, your first instinct is to run to your pet's aid and pull the other dog off him/her. Tamp down on this instinct and read on to learn the correct way to stop a dog fight.

Read more at Buzzle:

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